Monday, September 29, 2008

Palin comparison to Fey genius--the goddesses have spoken II

Another reason to worship on the altars of Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. What blows the mind is that they still maintain the dynamic of Fey as the straight man and Poehler as the manic Jerry Lewis-type despite that the latter has been assigned to the more "serious" role, i.e. Rodham-Clinton, Couric. The fact that Fey's Palin still comes out the wacky one in this equation reflects on Palin pretty much like how this New York Magazine article depict the state of her political image. Or this one on her comparable inarticulateness to another SNL character.

Monday, September 15, 2008

the Goddesses have spoken: "AND I CAN SEE RUSSIA FROM MY HOUSE."

If you can not see the video on this site, it is likely because EVERYONE is watching, embedding, sharing and emailing this instant classic skit as soon as it hit the Net for our downloading pleasure.

It speaks volumes about how despite the rhyme and rhetoric-- ranging from the lofty & beaming to Paris Hilton & idioms on porcine cosmetology--about change and making history, it still is an old boys club and they still get to choose who plays in the tree house.

There is ten times more forthrightness in beholding Roger Sterling going, "Crab, Duck. Duck, Crab."

In my humble (non-voter) opinion, CUT THE FUCKING TREE DOWN!

Hail La Fey!! Viva El Poehler!!! Kudos to Seth Meyers, you little cutie.