Wednesday, August 30, 2006



Dear Shivaun,

I am feeling the need to slash and burn. Don't mean you dearie. Your blog on Mel has fired me up to throw a little piece of my mind into the ether.

I've always liked Mel Gibson but affinity has little (that I'm fully aware of) to do with me being a little too opinionated than my little Rabbit self allows me to be. Perhaps, it is just the current state of my physiology, being befuddled by the lack of sleep and my counter attack by all forms caffeine.

Lately, everyone with access to any form of popular media, has relished jumping into the bandwagon of judging Mr. Gibson (sparing any parallelism to Gibson's Passion of the Christ, and may this be my last mention of said matter), Hollywood power player, and citizen of a world of BILLION other people and BILLION other issues bigger than a Disney flick and an eccentric drunk with issues.

I just ponder, how many of us echo Mad Mel's innebriated sentiments in our varied forms of biases, within or out of earshot and beyond political correctness? in the privacy of our homes? in the company of our spouses and our children? in whispers among confidants? in mutterings over mundane aggravations? in muffled expletives over traffic inside our cars? or squealed out with the windows rolled down? or succinctly with a mere finger? in split-second looks as a strange face enters familiar territory to do groceries or get to the 5th floor? in the dark silence of our thoughts? and YES, over our beers?

I surmise it is just universally easier to sit back and toss our two cents at an easy target-- our latent barbarities and medieval prejudices in check by being PC and appropriately channeled through Fox and E!. Henceforth we can finish flipping through our People magazines, turn off our tellys and be on our merry way feeling better about ourselves, our little world alright, our insignificance a little lesser.

Love you, babe. Take it easy. Thank you for never failing to inspire me to write. God Bless you and your sensitive writer's heart always.

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