Wednesday, December 07, 2005

London Calling... 8-20-2005


Roused by a madly vibrating mobile from my head's burial ground of pillows, fighting through a stuporous haze from two nights of hard work, battle scars and more varicose veins, I pick up to hear the voice of a dear, dear, dear friend, Jeandel. Mrs. A_____ to be exact-- true blue super nurse, capital human being and most important of all, fellow rock 'n roll fan. And now, soon-to-be MOM!

She is based in the UK, like so many of my friends whom I love like blood, so painfully far from me, our friendship literally hanging by a Web and thin alloy wires. Guys, if you're reading this I miss you all so much. It just sucks to think we were like family one moment and to be suddenly just mere memories of each other the next, albeit happy ones.

We talked for a great hour of battery depletion for my my cell. CC got married to a former highschool heartthrob, had a honeymoon in Boracay, a double one at that with our other friend Pup the One & Only (she's no diva she's Puppy)... and how touched to tears I was to see an angel like CC looking so happy as she deserves to be, that it seared through the email she sent me... She tells me that Tin, our quirky waif friend and fellow E-head fan, is also married... Marvi-lous, Puppy's equally talented sister is also hitched... Jeandel is expecting January next year.... Everybody's getting laid except me!!!

We laugh. Loudly. Play catch up. Gossip a bit (no, a lot!!). They had a reunion in Sunderland where the then engaged Pupster got bit by the claws of a crab fighting from being dinner and the first thing that came to her head were the words, "With this ring, I thee.. whatthe@#$%^&!!"

I tell Jeandel I went through very rough times and lots of growing up the past few months since we last talked. And that she doesn't know how much the mere sound of her voice bearing news of people that I love safe and happy means so much to me at that moment. So MUCH.

Looking back through the years at the parade of caring faces and endeared names, I realize that I have been awfully endowed with lots of friends. GREAT ONES. I don't know what I did to deserve them. Not bad for a girl with black hole sun periods (love you Cris Cornell) and loner/antisocial tendencies, who at age eleven somehow foresaw that Suzanne Vega's Left of Center would be a recurring theme song. With all the chips and cracks they have somehow seen worth in this weird little curiosity. With all the grains of salt to desalinate the Dead Sea, they have considered me their friend. So much love... so much love...

Everyone around me seems to be hooking up, settling down and having babies, while I.... still remain their kooky friend. And I feel fine (love you Michael Stipes). These are really really good people. They've humbled me (I would have been a jerk if it wasn't for them). If ever bliss was handed out in gift baskets, they should be first to have them. Me? I shall always remain blessed just to have them in my life and be the world's coolest aunt.

P.S. Jean, hope you're still up to that ChiliPeppers concert we promised each other eventhough you have the baby. I'll make you usherette and your baby ringbearer or flower girl in my wedding to John Frusciante. Hahaha.03

FRIENDS... Until Michael Jordan drops his gum...

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